OP Human Resources and Employment

Company LUBRICANT s.r.o. has launched since 1 July 2013 the educational programme Effective training and increasing adaptability of employees to strengthen the competitiveness of LUBRICANT s.r.o., reg. no.: CZ.1.04/1.1.02/94.00426 , which meets the needs of the target group of employees of LUBRICANT s.r.o. and increases its ability to adapt to the constantly changing business environment. The training within the project will be carried out, for example, in the topics of tribotechnics, demand legislation, management training, economic training for administrative staff or training in logistics.

In line with the call, the key activity Gender Equality has been selected: a responsible person has been identified to oversee the promotion of gender equality in the company. This person will also be trained in gender equality issues and will conduct internal training on the topic.

The project focuses on general training with a predominance of vocational training, some key skills will be trained to complement the vocational training. The project is financed by the ESF through the Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme and the state budget of the Czech Republic.


European Year of Ageing







Selection procedures

Tender for supply of services – training of employees within the project
“Effective training and increasing adaptability of employees to strengthen the competitiveness of LUBRICANT s.r.o.”

Download the tender documentation here
Invitation to tender downloadable here

Result of the call for tenders here


History of the OP-LZZ project

Project progress here